App Cleaner & Uninstaller Pro Mac Free Download is an Uninstaller Software For (macOS) Full Version. App Cleaner & Uninstaller Pro Mac is a tool to delete apps on Mac without leaving any leftovers. The program finds applications’ service, temporary files, and the remains of already removed apps, allowing you to change and turn off login items, manage Mac extensions, and clean up and uninstall Mac apps. Clean up and uninstall on Mac with ease. Use App Cleaner to remove programs from your Mac, including all their hidden service files, to stop remains from eating up precious space on your disk. Also, check out for Windows, such as Mac Cleaner Pro License File Full Version.
Finally, I have decided to buy the essentials. Eventually, I consumed 5$ and purchased the software keys from the Apple store. But now I feel sinister because this software was available on the internet and activated. So, I will now share it with you for free. So, I don’t want that, and you don’t make a mistake as I like buying this software. So, Are you Looking for the most efficient way to uninstall apps on Mac? Then, you need to Download and Use App Cleaner. It is the best application cleaner and uninstaller for Mac. This app will help to save time when removing unnecessary apps. App Cleaner will find all the service files and remove extreme applications from Mac without leaving a trace. If you need this Advanced Uninstaller Pro For Mac, follow the below link and enjoy it.
The Feature of App Cleaner & Uninstaller Pro Full Version:
- Main Feature of App Cleaner:
Preview installed applications and extensions.
Find out the actual disk space occupied by apps.
Find all installed browser extensions and internet plugins.
Preview all startup programs: login items, launch agents, and system daemons.
Disable apps from running at system startup.
Add folders for applications and extensions searches.
Remove apps’ leftovers.
Remove system extensions (PRO mode).
Drag and drop unneeded applications for fast uninstalling. - Optimize Mac Performace By:
Deleting apps’ hidden files that take up performance resources.
Eliminating debris of apps that were put into the Trash.
Managing all service files (caches, logs, preferences, etc.).
Removing unneeded System Extensions (PRO mode).
Removing login items and disabling startup programs.
Removing unnecessary browser extensions and internet plugins. - Benefits of App Cleaner Free:
Preview all installed apps.
Preview hidden applications’ services and temporary files.
Remove applications’ service and temporary files.
Reset apps to the first-run state.
Reset app preferences.
Preview installed extensions and widgets.
Disable launch agents and startup items to speed up Mac startup.
Remove Remains – broken service files. - Benefits Of App Cleaner Pro:
Block banner ads.
Remove system extensions.
Remove executable parts of apps and uninstall apps.
What you can get extra from the Download Page:
On the download page, you can easily download the software given below.
- Disk Space Analyser Pro v3.6.2 Build 359 Patched For Mac OS,
- App Cleaner & Uninstaller Pro v7.4.2 Build 381 Patched For Mac OS,
- Duplicate File Finder Pro v6.14.3 Build 528 Patched For Mac OS,
- Memory Cleaner Pro v4.4 Build 117 Patched For Mac OS,
- Hunter Pro 5.4.1 Build 216 Patched For Mac OS,
How to Download and Install App Cleaner and Uninstaller Pro For MacOSX?
- First of all, Download the software.
- Extract the zip file.
- Double-click on the dmg file.
- Now, drag and drop the software into the Application Folder.
- Now, run the application on your Mac.
- Now, Select an application.
- Tick unneeded temporary files, caches, and logs.
- Click the Remove or Remove Service Files button.
- The app’s state and data will be reset.